Min-a-rets Issues 12 - 14
Publisher: Compound Press
Published April 2024
Edition of 150
About the Book:
Edited by Niamh Hollis-Locke
Niamh gathered together pieces that diverged from current trends, and which were brave enough to be their own thing.
This collection of poetry is unflinchingly honest, showing new ways of seeing what really matters.
Some strong common threads have emerged, as they tend to do. Places, ideas of belonging, the natural world and our relationships with it all feature heavily in this issue, reflecting a growing eco-consciousness, or climate-anxiety.
2023 was the hottest year since records began, and 2024 is already on track to leave it in the dust. The environment is changing rapidly due to our destructive influence and hyperconsumption, and we are living in a time of flux to a degree that few other generations have experienced. Little wonder, then, that so many poets are thinking, in their own ways, about our place in the world.
Available at compoundpress.org
Paperback edition