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We make games…
We travelled to China in 2023 and met many Table Top Games Printers. This enabled us to migrate the Connor Collection production from NZ to a large scale manufacturing solution.
Reprinting Maritime Heritage
We had the privilege of reproducing A Maritime Heritage Out of Auckland Revisited. Through a new design process of rescanning and retouching the original 1960 and 1976 enlarged editions, we have reproduced this highly sought after book in a case bound limited edition. As well as being enhanced by a considerable number of additional photographs the new version retains the valuable Register of Ships and a comprehensive index.
Compound Press Poetry Editions
Each year Compound looks for poetry that is a bit out there. Sometimes this means experimental, but mostly it means work that is done with a real intensity. They also broadcast the poetry journal Min-a-rets both in print and online.
New Service: Artist Catalogues
This new publication series provides artists, galleries, and patrons with an affordable, high-quality, and accessible inter-media platform for showcasing and documenting works and exhibitions in stunning, custom Artist Catalogues.